Bussines cases

Talent to professionalize and transform a healthcare company

No important change process should be undertaken without previously having a good knowledge about the talent that exists in an organization, otherwise both the business future and the success of the project would be compromised.



Conduct a comprehensive professional assessment of the critical members in the management team in a family business belonging to the healthcare industry, as they needed to undergo an organizational transformation process and professionalize decision making.


Comprehensive, objective and experiential assessment of the whole board of directors as well as of the main executives in the company. The assessment was aligned with all the key competencies defined for the business plan execution.


The company acquired a comprehensive competency mapping of their management team, including weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, critical aspects in the short and mid term, risks for key areas and succession opportunities.

How we did it:

  • Conducting preliminary work sessions with the CEO and the owners of the company to explain the project and understand the business challenges that needed to be addressed and overcome.
  • Defining competencies based on professional criteria and associated with the organizational transformation model.
  • Assessing the board of directors and key management positions under our “Ver para Crecer” program, which doesn’t just provide an assessment, but also has a high impact on people’s professional development when the session is visualized with the consultant and they review their opportunities for development together.
  • Mapping talent and defining organizational risks for the management team


The approach

El proyecto se diseñó de manera que cumpliera con varios objetivos de la compañía:

  • Before conducting the assessment, we defined the competency dictionary in order to clarify which profiles where necessary in the organization according to its growth planv
  • Ethics and patient care were heavily ingrained in the company culture, which always played an important part in the whole process. The objective was to achieve growth without giving up on their cultural DNA
  • The company needed to base its decision making about talent on objective information regarding the potential of their management team. These decisions applied to professional development, succession planning, potential new hires, etc.
  • The process had a great impact on the company culture. The owners understood the advantages that creating this kind of models bring about, as they facilitate objective and professionalized decision making with a higher probability to succeed.

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