Bussines cases

A team aligned with a new mission

Retail is changing continuously. New ways of reaching the customer are emerging and products not only bring value in their own right, but also through associated services or the sensations they generate in customers.

The market rules, and makes it necessary to transform the missions associated with the leaders of these companies. Their roles, tasks and responsibilities must change.

To adapt to this situation, a multinational company in the retail sector has the challenge of knowing what talent it has available (defined as the sum of potential and performance), since this transformation project must be led directly by people.

Talent assessment is crucial. However, this evaluation must be different, adapted to the present moment; flexible, fast, and really providing knowledge that helps in the decision-making process. And of course, without losing an iota of validity.



To provide a Complete Map of Leadership Potential within a company. This map provides an objective picture of the group’s strengths and opportunities for improvement and those of the most outstanding professionals within it. It also makes it possible to guide their subsequent development, matching the right person to the right position in the face of new business challenges.


We performed a 100% remote evaluation process. Prior to this, we assessed all the challenges the company had to face, in order to determine and weigh the competencies required.


Projects are clearly measured by the impact they generate on the business and the company.

100% of the participants completed the entire process. Our success lay in obtaining, in practically real time, a clear talent map adapted to the prior definition that had been made of the position’s new responsibilities and the market’s new challenges. We collected feedback on the leaders who were able to take on a new project immediately, those who could do so in less than a year with development programs, and the professionals with the greatest gap with respect to the ideal profile. In this last group, we included the required development recommendations for their preparation.

In this project, we succeeded in overcoming obstacles and obtaining results as remarkable as the attendance of the professionals convened for the kick-off session: the synchronic communication reached 98% of participants, beating all previous records. This measure gives us information about the organization managers’ use of digital environments (we have to take into account that previously all evaluation actions were done face-to-face).

Finally, the project managed to objectify the differences between potential and performance and eliminate biases.


What we did:

  • We defined the successful competency profile and the level of our client’s demands on the company’s leaders who have teams working under them, to address new business challenges.
  • We actively involved both Human Resources and Business Roles in the process definition and milestones, so they would act as internal project sponsors.
  • We ensured and implemented a clear and relatable Communication Plan, adapting the communication to the virtual format. It was addressed to all the professionals involved in the project, to guarantee process transparency and help reduce possible uncertainties.
  • We guaranteed the maximum objectivity and equity in the assessment, by providing a team of Senior Consultants and using the best remote evaluation tools/methodologies. The use of a platform was key for its success.
  • We gave the company an accurate “photo” of the potential profile of each professional participating in the project, which allowed it to enlarge/complement the information it already had.
  • We ranked the collective in a global report, highlighting the professionals who were prepared for immediate change with guarantees of success and positioning the total collective in the talent matrix.
  • We supported and helped professionals become aware of their strengths and opportunities for improvement through an individual feedback report after the assessment day, helping them outline Individual Development Plans that serve as a roadmap for their subsequent development.

In slightly over a month, the company had a clear talent map that allowed it to make key decisions to face an increasingly competitive market. Within two months of the project’s beginning, high potential professionals were executing the new assignments and all middle managers had a clear roadmap to achieve their goals.

Knowing its talent allowed this company to adapt itself to new changes.

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