Bussines cases

The value of a high-performance team

The Board of Directors is formed by members of very diverse profiles, both from a background perspective and the number of years they have been in the company. Nearly 40% of them were new to the role and came from other companies, whereas the rest had developed most of their careers in the company.

Diversity, an enriching element in decision making processes and a critical stepping stone for innovation, is without a doubt an aspect that requires learning to manage. The most diverse teams are those which achieve the best results or alternatively the worst.



Help the Board of Directors become a high performance team with a traversal culture in the development of business processes. This meant their silo mentality-based culture was to change.


Help the Executive Committee build a high-performance team so that their decisions, communication style and leadership as a team impact the company’s culture, processes and results.

The results

  • Executive Team with a higher degree of conscience with regards to their dynamics and potential conflicts
  • Creation of a brave conversations-based culture allowing the executive team to put on the table those decisions that have not yet been made or where there’s a lack of commitment.
  • Route map definition for the follow up of strategic projects, with the transversal involvement of both the executive team and their direct reports
  • Creation of the extended Board of Directors for the better monitoring of transversal projects
  • In the COVID-19 scenario, the company managed to maintain its results and positioning as sales lead in the industry.


How we did it

  • One-to-one interviews were conducted in order to find out the perceptions and views of each of the Board of Directors’ members.
  • Work sessions under the Belbin coaching methodology were conducted with the Board of Directors.
  • The executive team was diagnosed by identifying those roles that conflicted with each other, those that were absent and necessary, and those that were dominant.
  • The team alliance was defined and the rules regarding the way they would relate to each other were established.
  • The team objectives were defined and formulated in alignment with the strategy in a transversal manner.
  • The Engagement by Goals methodology was applied.
  • Individual accompaniment processes were carried out in the form of coaching-focused programs as a support element for specific key roles.


The approach

Talengo designs a work approach covering the following aspects:

  • Improve the knowledge on the existing dynamics in the Board of Directors.
  • Garner a shared commitment to change. Not all board members perceived the need for the process.
  • Gain self-knowledge and allow others in the executive team to get to know them. Acceptance of the light and shadow that every board member brings to the table.
  • Define the alliance. The way in which they want to relate to others and demand commitments to be fulfilled.
  • Review the strategy, define new objectives or reformulate existing ones. Creation of the route map where transversal collaboration was needed in order to overcome the proposed challenges.
  • A brave conversation-based culture was promoted in order to demand and receive feedback, allowing transparency and communication to be improved.

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